Heads Up have a range of resources and communications templates in the Getting Started Pack to assist you communicate with and involve staff in, the design of a mentally healthy workplace.
They also provide a simple, free tool that will help you develop a tailored strategy to make your workplace more mentally healthy. Create a customised action plan for your business using this template.
According to Heads Up there are nine key attributes of a mentally healthy workplace:
Prioritising mental health – provide mental health education for all levels of staff to raise awareness, increase understanding and encourage open discussion
Trusting, fair & respectful culture – provide employees at all levels with skills to interact with honesty and respect with colleagues and customers, clients and the public
Open & honest leadership – Employ effective leadership to give employees a sense of shared purpose in the goals of the organisation
Good job design – match job roles to people’s skills and abilities, ensure they are physically safe and offer working arrangements that suit employees
Workload management – set tasks that can be accomplished successfully in a reasonable time, suing readily available resources
Employee development – offer an environment where employees have regular two – way feedback and are encouraged, acknowledged and rewarded
Inclusion & influence – arrange for employees to have control of the way they work and input to the important decisions of the organisation
Work/Life balance – recognise the importance of work/life balance and provide employees the opportunity to balance the demands of work, family and personal life
Mental health support – ensure that managers and staff are responsible to employees’ mental health conditions, regardless of cause and that adjustments to work and counselling support are available.
See also – People at Work Psychosocial risk assessment survey, benchmarks & learning modules.