Trauma Management Training
TrackSAFE can facilitate the delivery of trauma management training to your workforce, or can train people from within your organisation to deliver the training. Two free, short, self-paced online courses are currently in development and will be available later in 2025.
The Rail Industry Trauma Management Framework provides guidance on best practice. It is available here.
To support implementation of the Framework TrackSAFE currently offers three training courses, each 3 – 4 hours
- Coping with Trauma – for those who may be exposed to potentially traumatic incidents
- Psychological First Aid for First Responders
- Psychological First Aid for Managers/Supervisors.
These courses can be delivered to your workforce:
- By your staff who have completed the TrackSAFE Train the Trainer course and who have maintained their Rail Trainer Approval status
- By Phoenix Australia on behalf of the TrackSAFE Foundation
Train the Trainer Training
The ‘Train the Trainer’ 2 day workshop will enable trainers from within rail organisations to deliver updated courses that align with the 2023 Rail Industry Trauma Management Framework. Trainers who have completed the workshop and related activities will be Approved to deliver three courses:
- Coping with Trauma
- Psychological First Aid for first responders
- Psychological First Aid for managers
This Train the Trainer workshop is delivered face to face.
Information on these courses is below.
Please contact TrackSAFE if you would like to attend the next Train the Trainer (TTT) workshop, or host a Train the Trainer workshop in your workplace.
Phoenix Australia have developed and will deliver this training on behalf of the TrackSAFE Foundation.
The fee for the 2 day workshop is dependent on numbers and location and includes: the 2 days of training, training materials, a 45 minute feedback session following the workshop and 5 x 1.5 hour Community of Practice information sharing and skill development sessions for 12 months following the workshop.
Persons interested in becoming an Approved Rail Trainer will have some or all of the following core competencies:
- knowledge of trauma impact and support (eg supporting individuals who have experienced trauma)
- understanding of mental health and wellbeing within the context of the rail industry
- interpersonal skills, including active listening, empathy and cultural sensitivity
- strong facilitation skills tailored to managing group dynamics and creating inclusive discussions.
The person will also need to have the capacity and organisational support to participate in initial and maintenance TTT activities.
More information about the TTT process and trainer requirements is available here.
Please email to register your interest in attending one of these workshops and/or to arrange an in-house train the trainer workshop.
Training for your workforce
TrackSAFE can facilitate Phoenix Australia to deliver any of the three courses to groups of up to 20 people from your workforce. It can be delivered in person face to face or online face to face.
Fees will be dependent on the number of courses to be delivered, delivery mode and your location.
Please email to register your interest in in-house training for your workforce.
Psychological First Aid for managers, supervisors and first responders
There are two versions of this 3-4 hour training program: one for first responders and the other for managers and supervisors.
The training covers:
- What is trauma support
- The impact of trauma
- Coping with trauma
- Help-seeking
- Trauma support
- Roles of different staff in relation to potentially traumatic events
- Self care.
Coping with trauma
This 3-4 hour training program provides information to help employees before, during and after a potentially traumatic event. It aims to strengthen resilience so that employees are well prepared if they experience or are exposed to an incident.
The training covers:
- the impact of trauma
- risk factors for not coping following a traumatic event
- recovery patterns
- self-care including strategies for managing strong emotions, depression, anxiety and avoiding alcohol and drugs
- how to get help
- developing a personal coping plan including combatting the myths about coping, helpful thinking, getting support, tips following a traumatic event.
Free, short online courses – available in the second half of 2025
TrackSAFE has commissioned Phoenix Australia to develop two 30-45minute online courses that will be available for anyone connected with the rail industry for free. The courses will provide the basics for:
- first responders, managers and supervisors
- for those who may be exposed to potentially traumatic events.
These online courses are complementary to the face to face courses.
Please contact us if you would like to hear more about the online courses.
Updated 23 January 2025