Information Hub
Resources and knowledge for the rail industry.
Find a range of resources below including research, reports, advocacy information & workplace materials.
Building skills to ask and support others
The following sample of resources and short courses can help you build knowledge and skills to safely and effectively support friends, family and colleagues.
Developing a mentally healthy workplace
This review of the academic literature identifies practical ways to support the mental health and wellbeing of employees.
Mentally healthy workplaces during COVID-19
These guides provide step-by-step guidance to achieve mentally healthy workplaces during COVID-19
Talking about mental illness
Mental illness is a complex issue and the language used when talking about it can change misconcpetions, challenge myths and demystify negative stereotypes. It can alleviate harm for the vulnerable.
Workplace action plan
Taking actions that build and maintain the mental wellbeing of people at work is good for everyone. This easy tool helps develop a strategy for your workplace.
Victorian Royal Commission into the Mental Health System
The Commission made 65 recommendations, including some of relevance to the rail industry.
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health First Aid is an internationally recognised mental health course delivered by accredited trainers.
Community Stations Toolkit
This toolkit provides ideas for mental health awareness activities at train stations.
Psychological first aid
Psychological first aid is a support activity that helps people affected by an emergency, disaster or traumatic event. It aims to reduce initial distress, meet current needs, promote flexible coping and encourage adjustment.
Blackdog institute: managing the workplace transition post-pandemic
This review of the academic literature identifies practical ways to support the mental health and wellbeing of employees.