TrackSAFE has numerous activities to improve the wellbeing of the rail workforce

Rail R U OK?

You don’t have to be an expert when someone says they’re not OK. However by identifying the signs and knowing what to say you can help a workmate feel supported and access help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a positive difference in their life.

Rail R U OK? activities are an opportunity to show workmates that they can make a real difference to someone who’s having a tough time by having a meaningful conversation.

Join our community of rail champions by visiting here.

Lifeline Support Toolkit

Maintaining our mental health is just as important as our physical health.

To help with this, Lifeline has developed a Support Toolkit, providing a curated library of tools, techniques and information to help people understand what they are going through and learn ways to self-manage the issues.

Help promote the Support Toolkit within your organisation;

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Trauma Management

We know the likelihood of being exposed to a potentially traumatic event is increased for those working in a high risk industry such as rail. It is a tragic reality that, in the course of their work, many train drivers and other rail workers will be impacted by incidents that may involve death, injury, a near hit or anti-social behaviour.

Working with leaders in Post Traumatic Stress, Phoenix Australia, TrackSAFE has developed a best practice Trauma Management Framework, along with other supporting materials for the rail industry. Further information is available here.

Wellbeing webinars

Together with our partners and experts in their field, TrackSAFE hosts a number of free webinars with recordings available on our website including; Optimising the Mental Health of Shift Workers, Reducing Stress and Building Resilience, Coping with Personal Loss.

Visit our here to catch-up on previous sessions or view what’s coming up.

Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid is an internationally recognised mental health course. The Standard course teaches how to assist an adult who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical, evidence-based action plan.

TrackSAFE can deliver the Mental Health First Aid Standard Workplace course for groups of 10 – 20 adults for any organisation connected to the rail industry. The Mental Health First Aid course is delivered by an Accredited Instructor in-house, either face-to-face, online with the Instructor or a combination of face-to-face and self-paced learning. Further info can be found here.

Need help?

If you or someone you know needs support with mental health or wellbeing, we encourage you to contact the appropriate support service provider as shown below. If you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others, seek immediate assistance by calling Triple Zero (000).

LIFELINE | 13 11 14  
BEYOND BLUE | 1300 22 4636
MENSLINE | 1300 78 9978

Updated 11 January 2024

The TrackSAFE Foundation is a registered Australian harm prevention, funded through financial contributions from supporting companies who recognise TrackSAFE’s mission in the rail industry. Your financial contribution will enable TrackSAFE to deliver a range of initiatives and partnerships that aim to prevent fatalities and injuries on the rail network and to provide trauma support for employees

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