TrackSAFE’s Suicide Awareness Training is designed specifically for rail workers in Australia and New Zealand to help build skills and confidence to engage with someone who may be in distress. It also provides information on support services available for rail workers post incident. 

Intervention by a third party such as a rail worker is an important part of preventing suicides in a public place including the rail environment.  ‘Gatekeeper’ programs such as this training have been found to improve people’s knowledge, skills and confidence to identify people at risk, providing workers with the ability to respond safely and refer to appropriate services.   

The training is FREE + accessible via smart phone + takes just 30 minutes to complete.   

If you work for an organisation associated with rail in Australia and New Zealand, after completing the registration form you will be provided immediate access.  If you don’t work in the rail industry or there is an issue with your access, contact us.

Access the training here

Download our video and resources below

Promotional resources available

Suicide Awareness Training | Video

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Poster (A4) | Poster (A4) Co-branding ready | Poster (A4) Print ready

Frequently asked questions

Promotion pack – including all items above (Zip)

On average there are 74 suicides or suspected suicides on the Australian heavy rail network each year.  In addition, there are 67 attempted suicides on the heavy rail network and a small number annually on the light rail network reported on the rail regulator.  As well, there are many self-harm incidents and threats of self-harm.  In New Zealand there is an average of 6 suicides per year on the heavy rail network. You can find out more about the number of incidents on the heavy and light rail networks nationally and by state on here and here

Information about the support available for members of the public who witness traumatic incidents is here

If you have any feedback on the training, please email it to

Information about TrackSAFE’s other suicide prevention activities is available here.

The training has been accredited by QIP to Suicide Prevention Australia Standards to demonstrate our commitment to the delivery of a safe, high-quality and effective suicide prevention program.

The TrackSAFE Foundation thanks Samaritans for providing permission to adapt their suicide awareness training for the United Kingdom rail industry to suit the Australian and New Zealand environment.  

Updated January 2024

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