Lifeline provides access to crisis support and suicide prevention services. Lifeline also provides national services and campaigns that promote emotional wellbeing, encourage help seeking, and address suicide prevention and awareness.
Lifeline partners with TrackSAFE to further understand suicide in public places, including on and around rail.
Through collaboration with Lifeline Australia’s Research Foundation, the ‘Pause. Call. Be Heard’ campaign is promoted on the Australian rail network. The campaign reminds the public to take a moment and remember that they are never alone – Lifeline’s crisis support services are available 24/7. The messaging and strategy has been developed with the involvement of the suicide prevention sector and those with expertise through lived experience. The University of Melbourne’s impact evaluation of the campaign found that over 25 percent of commuters had noticed the PCBH materials and of these, 75 percent had directly engaged with the campaign. Pause. Call. Be Heard’ has since been optimised on social media platforms, providing an interactive experience for commuters.
Lifeline’s Digital Toolkit is also promoted on the rail network, and to the rail workforce. The online toolbox is a library of tools, techniques and information to help you understand and manage your mental health.
Lifeline’s 24hour telephone crisis support service is available to anyone needing emotional support on one national phone number, 13 11 14. For more information, visit:
R U OK? is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to inspire Australians to have meaningful conversations throughout the year to help anyone who might be struggling with life. By getting more people to ask ‘are you ok?’, R U OK? hopes to create a world where everyone is connected and is protected from suicide.
Through our partnership, Rail R U OK? provides a focus for the rail sector, empowering staff to identify the signs a colleague might not be OK and start a conversation that could change a life. The initiative continues to grow each year, with more than 100,000 workers from all parts of the rail supply chain taking a moment to reflect on those in their world, hone their skills about how to prepare to ask a colleague “Are you OK?”, and importantly, then listen, encourage action and check back in.
TrackSAFE and R U OK? work with the rail industry to create an R U OK? Culture every day of the year. Company events, training and other activities occur year round that prioritise mental wellbeing and create workplaces where staff are encouraged to start life-changing conversations with their colleagues.
For more information, visit: