Rail Safety Week
Regardless of where we live, it’s crucial we know how to be safe on and around rail.
Together, our collective activities help reach audiences far & wide, reminding our community to how to stay #railsafe. These resources are designed to be used year round!
Translated resources available below; Arabic, Chinese (Simplified & Traditional), Greek, Italian, Mandarin, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean.
Contact Hope Steele for further information: hsteele@tracksafefoundation.com.au
Campaign resources
Cultural & Linguistically Diverse Audiences
Other rail safety campaigns
Aurizon, like TrackSAFE and our industry colleagues, is determined to make a difference to level crossing safety wherever we operate in Australia. Where we look to new technology and engineering solutions; work with police and road authorities on enforcement; as well as increasing community awareness through the sharing of these important safety messages. Together we are urging the community – motorists, truck drivers and pedestrians – to take notice of the signs that are there for everyone’s protection. Whether they are railway cross-arms, bells and flashing lights or boom gates, we are asking everyone to Respect the sign. Lives are on the line. Resources can be found here.
The Federal Government’s recently launched campaign aims to raise awareness of safe driving behaviours and the risks around at regional railway crossings for Heavy Vehicle drivers and drivers in regional communities. We know safety around regional railway crossings are not top-of-mind for most drivers and familiarity, complacency and risk taking are too common. The ‘call-to-action’ is an one important message for all drivers – Slow down, look and listen for trains. Campaign materials can be found here.