Information Hub
Resources and knowledge for the rail industry.
Find a range of resources below including research, reports, advocacy information & workplace materials.
Advice of National Suicide Prevention Adviser
The National Suicide Prevention Advisor reports directly to the Prime Minister. In April 2021 she provided her Final Advice in support of the Australian Government’s ‘towards zero’ suicides goal.
International practices to prevent trespass and suicide incidents
This ACRI review of international prevention practices follows the Hierarchy of Risk Control approach.
Community Stations Toolkit
This toolkit provides ideas for mental health awareness activities at train stations.
Investigation of neighbourhood factors for railway suicide
This research investigates the associations between railway suicide and neighbourhood determinants in Victoria, Australia.
Prevention measures – RESTRAIL & Trespass & Suicide Prevention (TSP) Toolkits
These interactive and easy to use Toolkits provide information about possible trespass and suicide prevention measures.
Support after suicide – StandBy
StandBy is Australia's leading suicide postvention program dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide. The article provides contact details and links to useful resources.
Preventing suicide on the Australian rail network – Research briefing 3 Nov 2021
TrackSAFE currently supports two suicide prevention research projects of relevance to the Australian rail industry. A briefing was provided on both projects on 3 November 2021. A recording of the briefing and slides are available here.
Boys do cry – Mental health campaign targeting men
The Boys Do Cry campaign aims to get men talking - to family, a friend, colleague, medical practitioner or crisis service. It also encourages men to support a mate by starting a conversation an asking R U OK?
Diet and treatment & prevention of mental disorders
The SMILEs study found that participants who followed the Modified Mediterranean Diet had a greater reduction in their depressive symptoms over a 3 month period, compared to the control group. Those who improve their diet the most experienced the greatest benefit to their depression.
Pause.Call.Be Heard help seeking campaign & evaluation
This campaign evaluation found that the campaign was associated with positive help-seeking behaviour, specifically, an increase in calls to Lifeline.