Rail safety is everyone’s responsibility. Here are some suggestions for how you can make a difference in rail safety in your community:
- Set an example – always follow the rail safety rules when near trains or tracks – a child could be watching you!
- Praise students who are doing the right thing near railway tracks. This can help create a feeling of pride in acting safely and positively reinforces safe behaviours.
- Ask your child’s school principal or teacher to teach TrackSAFE Education at their school.
- Always hold hands with young children when on a platform or near train tracks, for example at a pedestrian level crossing.
- Reinforce the TrackSAFE actions with young children.
- Get active if there is a serious rail safety issue involving students in your community that needs addressing. Work with your local rail operator, the school principal, the police, parents and community leaders to find a local solution, and always involve the students – they are a key part of the solution and should never be underestimated!
- Encourage your child to visit our primary and high school student pages. Your child can interact with rail safety messages at home.
- Get your child’s school involved in Rail Safety Week (2nd week of August each year).