The RESTRAIL Toolbox is a problem-solving guide for implementation of measures to prevent railway suicides and trespassing accidents and to mitigate the post incident consequences. It was developed by a consortium of rail organisations through funding received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement Nr 285153 and released in 2014. Since then the Toolbox has been updated by the International Union of Railways (UIC).

In 2022 the US Federal Railroad Administration launched the Trespass & Suicide Prevention Toolkit, an interactive resource to identify effective railroad trespass prevention strategies and suicide prevention measures. The TSP Toolkit is useful for individuals who work in railroad safety and for researchers, community members, suicide prevention groups, or other individuals or organisations with an interest in preventing trespass and suicide.
The Tookit provides measures associated with risk assessment, policy enforcement, collaboration, training and education, public communication, physical barriers, detection and lighting, infrastructure modification and post incident management.
Updated 16 January 2023