Knowledgeshare: Trauma Management Framework (21 June 2023)

Our Knowledgeshare Sessions invite stakeholders to share knowledge, insights and learnings.

This session sees the launch of TrackSAFE’s revised Trauma Management Framework, developed with Phoenix Australia – the national centre of excellence in posttraumatic mental health.

Access a copy of the Framework, published June 2023.

The Framework is a guide to best-practice trauma management for organisations working in rail. Alexandra Howard | Director, Disasters and Public Health Emergencies, Phoenix Australia provides an overview of the revised Framework, and also our follow-up Benchmarking survey. The survey will be distributed post meeting, with an aim to improve our understanding of:

1. rail organisation’s perspectives on how closely their current policies, procedures and practices are aligned with key elements of the updated 2023 Framework

2. what organisations would find helpful to assist with further implementation of the Framework, and

3. what organisations are already doing well regarding trauma management activities and resources.

The survey findings are intended to help prioritise next steps for the TrackSAFE Foundation regarding initiatives and/or the development of implementation toolkit resources to support effective trauma management.

A recording of this session is available here.

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